Physical therapy faq
Answers to Common Questions About Physical Therapy
Physical therapy treats injuries and illnesses with physical exercises, heat, and massage to restore the injured person to normal function.
Physical therapists specialize in how the body moves. If a worker has lost mobility due to an injury, they’ll help them get that back. They can even help prevent lost mobility with fitness and stretching programs. Occupational therapists are more focused on treating things that keep patients from doing daily tasks. These can range from simple tasks to complex job activities.
Concentra provides physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, and onsite therapy services.
Full recovery from an injury can be difficult without appropriate medical treatment. Physical therapy can help workers recover much faster than if they were just resting on their own—leading to fewer lost working hours. Additionally, therapy often reduces the need for specialist treatment and other services, resulting in reduced overall cost and better long-term management.
On average, about 35% of injuries treated at Concentra receive physical therapy. The other 65% of patient issues are resolved with a physician’s visit or may not need treatment.
Yes. We can provide both educational programs and programs that evaluate your worksite for risks and provide cost-effective solutions with Concentra ergonomics programs.
Even mild injuries can result in functional issues and reduce an employee’s ability to do their job. It’s better to intervene early, rather than risk complicating a minor injury and creating the need for additional treatment.
Some of the other physical and occupational therapy services Concentra provides include:
- Injury prevention
- Ergonomics
- Employee education
- Workplace stretching programs
- Pre-employment tests
- Post-injury exams
- Onsite therapy services
Concentra provides both home exercise and education programs that employees can use to get back to health after an injury, and workforce programs that teach classes on subjects such as proper lifting and ergonomics. To learn more about what’s available, sign up to talk to one of our experts.
Only licensed physical and occupational therapists provide physical therapy at Concentra.
If your employee’s injury results in a reduced range of motion and strength, it may affect their ability to perform their regular duties. Medical research shows muscle atrophy and nerve changes can begin within 24 hours of an acute injury. Early intervention acts to prevent these changes by treating every patient injury right away. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner an individual can begin to recover. Early intervention also helps patients avoid psychosocial risks that the therapist can address directly, including:
- Focusing excessively on pain, and the fear of aggravating pain through normal daily activity
- Believing that the patient can’t self-manage pain
- Pessimism about their future, believing that work activities are now unsafe
- High perceived disability, resulting in a negative impact to work and home activities