Common Terms
Access to Critical Information
To some degree, all companies have their own language. And when it comes to health care and medicine, the terms can have specialized meanings. Throughout this website, we strive to avoid using “internal” or “industry” terminology, but in some cases it’s necessary. So we’ve provided this glossary of terms to help you as you move through our site.
Account Manager - The Concentra employee who is the main point of contact between an employer and Concentra.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - A 1990 federal law that prohibits discrimination against people who are disabled and formally describes "disability."
ADApt - Concentra’s proprietary program that defines essential job functions for employers. It’s typically used for pre-placement and return-to-work programs within the clinic.
Board-Certified - a physician who has graduated from medical school, completed residency, trained under supervision in a specialty, and passed a qualifying exam given by a medical specialty board.
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an agency of the federal Department of Health and Human Services.
Center Operations Director (COD) - The head administrative employee in a Concentra medical center.
Colleague(s) - Concentra’s term for employee(s). It emphasizes the professionalism of our work and recognizes the inter-relationships with management, peers, customers, patients, and associates.
Collection - In the drug-screen context, the gathering of a patient’s urine, blood, or hair for laboratory testing.
DOT - Department of Transportation In this case, the United States DOT, which is the federal agency governing interstate transportation.
Dynamic Early Intervention - An approach in occupational health care that Concentra physicians and therapists champion; it emphasizes:
Early intervention - The sooner treatment begins, the quicker the recovery. Early intervention also allows complicated cases to be identified quickly, so that appropriate referrals can be made immediately.
Early motivation - A good first experience with our physicians and staff motivates patients and creates a positive attitude that shortens rehabilitation time.
Early education - We help patients understand the mechanics of the injury and methods to prevent re-injury, so they feel more in control of their recovery.
Self-responsibility - We clearly communicate and emphasize the patient’s responsibility in the treatment and recovery process, which leads to more successful outcomes.
Employer Authorization Form - The mandatory Concentra form that the employer must complete – and the employee must bring to a Concentra medical center – in order to admit the employee as a patient.
Ergonomics - The study of how individuals interact with their environment. In a work setting, ergonomics can be used to design tasks, tools, or equipment to improve productivity and/or prevent injury.
Evidence-Based Medicine - Medical best practices that are based on the actual, observed results of patient treatment as opposed to theory or generalized medical practice.
Human Performance Evaluation - A functional test developed after the measurement of a given position’s essential job functions; this test helps the employer assess the applicant’s/employee’s ability to perform the job and/or to return to work following an injury.
Immunoassay - A test using antibodies to identify and quantify substances; often the antibody is linked to a marker such as a fluorescent molecule, a radioactive molecule, or an enzyme.
Injury - In occupational medicine, injury is defined as the result of an instantaneous event in the workplace.
Laceration - A torn and ragged wound.
Medical Review Officer (MRO) - a physician qualified to interpret the results of drug testing.
Occusource - Concentra medical centers’ proprietary software for collection, maintenance, and analysis of patient information.
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) - a federal agency under the Department of Labor that publishes and enforces safety and health regulations for most businesses and industries in the United States.
Return-To-Work - The industry-standard term for 1) the actual resumption of work by an injured employee, or 2) the process of returning an injured employee to the work setting.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - a division of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that is a certifying laboratory agency.
Third-Party Administrator (TPA) - An organization or individual contracted by a self-insured employer or insurance company to handle the administration and, in some cases, the payment of claims. Also referred to as TPA.
Workers’ Compensation - Provision for payment of benefits to workers for accidental injuries or death arising from, and in the course of, employment.