Public Safety Physicals

Physicals and Testing for Firefighters and Police

What Are Firefighter Physicals?

Firefighter physicals are designed to ensure that firefighters can perform their jobs safely. Concentra offers firefighter physical exams in accordance with the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 1582 Guidelines. The NFPA 1582 guidelines are developed by people with fire safety expertise and are approved by the American National Standards Institute.

    Firefighter Fitness

    The inherent on-the-job requirements of a firefighter necessitate that the candidate have a high standard of physical fitness. This includes having the strength and fitness to perform extensive crawling or walking, climbing stairs/ladders while lifting and carrying heavy objects, wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus, ventilating roofs or walls using power tools and/or hand tools, and advancing water-filled hoses.

      What Are Police Physicals?

      Police officers work in physically stressful environments and are often active every day. It’s critical for them to be able to perform their jobs safely. Concentra police physicals include thorough evaluations and pre-screenings in accordance with all required local and state regulations.


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        To access your Concentra HUB account, you must log in. To set up a Concentra HUB account, please contact Concentra Customer Support at 1-844-305-8868. Customer support is available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Central Time.

        Employees can access their patient records by calling the Concentra medical center where their visit occurred.


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