Bring targeted health care directly to employees with episodic events
Companies of all sizes, from small businesses to multinational conglomerates, depend on a safe and healthy workforce. Ensuring employees have access to recommended or government regulated health care services is a first step. Getting employees to participate is the next step and perhaps the most challenging. By bringing health care services directly to the worksite, employers can overcome many of the issues that prevent employees from accessing health care services. Today, many employers find episodic health care services to be a cost-effective way to boost employee participation in programs designed to preserve a safe and healthy workforce and maintain regulatory compliance.
Just like a flu shot
The episodic services model is based around one of the oldest and most common health services employers offer to their employees, flu shots. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu costs employers and businesses approximately $10.4 billion in direct costs, like employee health care visits and hospitalizations, every year.1 The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that indirect costs, like drops in productivity, absenteeism, and presenteeism, in which employees go to work but perform below average work, add another $8 billion to the tally.2 That’s a lot of incentive for employers to get their employees vaccinated.
Despite the benefits of getting the flu vaccine, some employers struggle to get their employees vaccinated. Even when vaccines are free, it can be difficult to persuade employees to get a shot. Bringing flu shots to employees through a health care event has been shown to significantly increase uptake and is recommended by the CDC. When employers bring health care to the workplace, pure convenience can drive up the number of employees who participate; seeing co-workers participating can also encourage others to take the same step. Concentra episodic services take the onsite flu shot blueprint and expand it to include a host of other services.
Checking off compliance
Compliance with government regulations, whether they be from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or another regulatory body, is essential for both employee health and safety. FIT testing for respirators, Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals, firefighter testing, and heavy metal screenings all must be completed on a yearly basis, with some test requiring even more frequent compliance intervals.3 Employees who don’t stay compliant may see higher injury and illness rates, pulling them away from work. Compliance is also highly regulated by OSHA – section 1910.134(f) of the OSHA Respiratory Standard, which covers fit testing, was the second most common OSHA standard violated in 2021.4 OSHA fines can easily add up if multiple employees are found to be non-compliant, and employees will likely have to miss work time to become compliant to meet the stipulations of an OSHA violation agreement.5
With an episodic event, employers can knock out yearly compliance in one fell swoop. Concentra’s events offer convenience for employees with limited work interruption. Our service is focused on employee engagement and a superior health care experience for high levels of satisfaction and utilization. Employees can get the testing and care they need without the headaches of leaving work, and, depending on the service and event structure, they may be able to schedule an appointment to further speed delivery. For compliance with periodic testing requirements, Concentra can schedule events on a one-time or ongoing basis.
Benefits for employees
Employees expect more than ever before from their employer when it comes to health and safety. Employee well-being can be flexible to interpretation, but episodic events hit the bullseye for protecting employee health and safety. When performed regularly, episodic services can serve as a building block for a culture of wellness while being a win-win for employers and employees. Investing in vaccination events or yearly testing is just one way that employers can fulfill employees’ desire work for a company that promotes their well-being.6
Additionally, by bringing health care to the workplace, employers can take some of the strain off their employees. They no longer need to rearrange their schedules to make time for driving or taking transportation to a medical center. Hourly workers don’t need to take as much time off the clock when care is delivered onsite. There is also no need to worry about paperwork or getting the right signature – at most, employees will need to provide their state-issued ID or employer ID and complete paperwork prior to service administration. With an experience provider of episodic services, employees enjoy a seamless experience while also crossing compliance duties off their list.
Built for success
Concentra® brings “event-style” health care services to employers’ sites, significantly cutting down on employee time away from work and eliminating many of the traditional pitfalls of sending employees out for care. Concentra provides a turnkey solution that ensures success from day one and until the conclusion of the event.
In the lead up to an episodic event we will organize staffing and ensure that supplies will be ready and delivered correctly. Our collaborative approach combines local operational and clinical support to ensure quality and service excellence. We will also create an event sheet to keep employers abreast of the timeline and what to expect on the day of the event.
On the day of the event, a Concentra team will arrive early for set-up and to prepare the area where services will be administered, whether that be a break room, meeting space, or one of Concentra’s mobile units. We supply full operation and medical oversight, providing a seamless and integrated experience for employers and employees.
After the event concludes, Concentra provides post-event reporting for employers and, when required for service delivery, will continue communication with employees. Our medical experts will review employee questionnaires and release results to employees when applicable. If necessary, we will recommend further testing if employee results indicate such a need. Any Concentra monitoring or follow-up care is fully HIPAA compliant.
Concentra’s episodic services model is comprehensive, customizable, and end-to-end designed to meet an employer’s specific business needs.7 It can be scaled and tailored to your workforce. For many events, employers only need to supply enough space, tables, and chairs to allow for appropriate service administration. Services with large equipment, like audiometric testing, will be conducted with one of our mobile units.
See how episodic services fit with your business
In a world in which anything can be delivered to your doorstep, why not employee health care? Concentra’s episodic services events are designed to meet your program requirements, reduce health care costs, and positively impact the health and safety of your employees. These events can help save employee time away from work while providing needed clinical testing, helping keep employee compliance high and lowering exposure to potential OSHA violations and fines. From vision testing to DOT exams to boutique specialty services, there are multiple ways to bring health care directly to your employees. To see if Concentra episodic services may be a good match for your health care needs, please visit our website or contact our episodic services team.
- “Make it your Business to Fight the Flu,” CDC, n.d.
- Courville CD, Cadarette SM. Wissinger E, Alvarez FP. The economic burden of influenza among adults aged 18 to 64: A systematic literature review. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 2022 May; 16(3): 376–385.
- “Breaking Down Requirements for NFPA 1582,” by Emma Bryant. Worksite Medical. January 13, 2021.
- “Top five respiratory protection violations from 2021,” by Ryan Shaffer. Worksite Medical. February 3, 2022.
- “What Are The Consequences Of Not Meeting OSHA Regulations?,” RoboVent, n.d.
- “Employees Want Wellbeing From Their Job, and They'll Leave to Find It,” by Iseult Morgan. Gallup. August 3, 2021.
- “Onsite Models for Business of All Sizes,” Concentra, n.d.