Onsite Care in a Working World of Pandemic-driven Change

Leading up to employees returning to the workplace after a year of pandemic, onsite programs vaulted to the number one trend for 2021 in a major business survey. But there’s a new challenge in budget meetings.

Economic effects of the pandemic – business closures and partial reopenings – have created an urgent need for onsite programs that offer scalability and a wide range of prices. Long before the pandemic, Concentra® created a continuum of onsite program models. Choose the services, staffing, and deployment that meets your needs and budget.

Now, get ready for the next step as Concentra’s new white paper gives you five strategies to maximize the benefits of onsite health care within a leaner budget. With all you’ll learn in our new white paper, onsite care is one budget item that won’t keep you up at night.

Download our new white paper now.