Concentra Acquires Irwindale Industrial Clinic in Irwindale, California
ADDISON, Texas — September 20, 2021 — Concentra®, the nation’s leader in occupational medicine, today announced the acquisition of Irwindale Industrial Clinic at 15768 Arrow Highway, Irwindale, California 91706. As part of this acquisition, Irwindale Industrial Clinic will become Concentra Irwindale Arrow Highway.
Work injury care, physical therapy, and other employer-related health services will continue to be provided at Concentra Irwindale Arrow Highway. In addition to these services, telemedicine will be available for minor work injuries, rechecks, and more.
“For the past 30 years, Irwindale employers have trusted Irwindale Industrial Clinic with the health of their employees and received consistent, quality medical outcomes,” said Frederic Butler, MD, MPH, director of Concentra medical operations. “We’re honored that Dr. Jack and Dr. Joel Feldsher have chosen to partner with Concentra to continue that legacy.”
Concentra has long been known as the premier provider of occupational health services delivered through an extensive network of nearly 520 locations nationwide, including 99 in California. Through its affiliated clinicians, the company offers quality, efficient medical care to meet the needs of employers and their employees at convenient times and locations.
To explore Concentra’s ever-expanding national footprint and to see a complete list of locations, visit www.Concentra.com.
About Concentra
Concentra, a division of Select Medical, is a leading health care company focused on improving the health of America’s workforce, one patient at a time. Through its managed practice groups and affiliated clinicians, the company currently provides occupational medicine, urgent care, physical therapy, and wellness services from nearly 520 medical centers nationwide. In addition to these medical center locations, Concentra currently serves employers by providing a broad range of health advisory services and operating more than 150 onsite medical facilities. www.Concentra.com