3 Simple Steps to Help You Avoid OSHA’s Top 3 Safety and Health Violations
As we near the final quarter of 2024, there’s already much speculation among workers’ compensation stakeholders about which standards and requirements will make the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) annual list of top 10 violations for which citations were issued.1 For the most part, the highly anticipated release of each year’s list is met with a collective nod – thanks to its historic predictability – but there is often vertical movement within the list and, every once in a while, a few surprises. As we await findings from this year, which are likely to be made public in late spring 2025, the 2023 data can provide valuable insight into which violations may reappear on OSHA’s 2024 top 10 list. Perhaps more importantly, it can also help employers identify and implement strategies to keep their employees safer and healthier in the coming year and avoid the costly claims and hefty fines associated with OSHA violations.
Top OSHA Violations in 20232
- Fall Protection, construction (29 CFR 1926.501)
- Hazard Communication, general industry (29 CFR 1910.1200)
- Ladders, construction (29 CFR 1926.1053)
Fall protection violations have remained the most frequently cited OSHA violation for over a decade now.2 Not only do falls account for a great deal of employer spending in OSHA fines, but they often result in expensive claims, with an average fall injury claim cost coming in around $47,000.3 Even more concerning is that falls are currently listed as the second leading cause of workplace death, topped only by motor vehicle accidents (MVAs).4
Hazard communication is #2 for the second year in a row, with violations increasing by over 500 in 2023.5 The hazard communication standard concerns communicating about chemical hazards to the workforce, which may include chemicals produced in the workplace and chemicals brought into the workplace.
Ladder violations are another usual suspect on OSHA’s annual list, though they too have climbed a few rungs in recent years, going from #6 in 2019, to #5 in 2020, and jumping to #3 in 2021 and holding that position ever since.6 With the close tie between ladder violations and fall injuries, employers stand to lose millions in injury claims associated with improper ladder use.
The Three Keys to Avoiding Common OSHA Violations
It is widely accepted by occupational health and safety experts that a large number of work-related illnesses and injuries are preventable, and there are countless resources and recommendations to help employers foster and maintain a safe work environment.7 Adopting these best practices not only reduces the risk of work-related injury, but it can also increase regulatory compliance – meaning fewer violations and less money spent on citations and claims. When it comes to avoiding the top OSHA violations, follow these three simple steps:
- Understand your risks
As the old saying goes, “Knowing is half the battle.” In occupational safety and health – and, more specifically, regulated industries – employers must have a clear understanding of what guidelines apply to their workplace/workforce and what hazards or risks could potentially lead to an OSHA violation or, worse, an injured employee. Conducting regular safety evaluations and equipment inspections is essential for determining potential risk factors and for maintaining compliance. In the construction industry, for example, many fall protection and ladder violations can be completely prevented by evaluating the jobsite and equipment, identifying risk factors, and providing appropriate mitigation measures, such as toe holds, guardrails, or hole covers.
- Train and educate your employees
Fall protection, hazard communication, and ladder guidelines all require some level of training and education. Having a comprehensive written fall protection program is another OSHA requirement that is routinely overlooked by employers, resulting in further citations. Educating your employees on how to identify, report, and address potential hazards – like a wet ladder or an icy sidewalk – is another beneficial practice, helping to prevent violations and injuries alike.
Access a variety of educational resources and training materials on fall protection and ladder use.
- Consult an expert
OSHA regulations can often seem complex and are constantly changing, making it a challenge for employers – even those with the best of intentions – to understand whether they are committing a violation. Partnering with an occupational health provider like Concentra®, whose clinicians and colleagues are highly knowledgeable about the most current OSHA rules and regulations – as well as best practices for workplace health and safety – can help employers boost compliance, reduce injury rates, and cut claims costs.
Workplace safety evaluations and ergonomic assessments conducted by Concentra help to identify potential hazards, preventing injuries and violations before they happen. Concentra’s onsite athletic trainers are able to monitor workplace safety in real time and correct potentially risky behaviors. With our professionally administered episodic services, employers can rest assured that required screenings are being performed properly and will not result in violation or citation.
For employers with a history of OSHA violation, Concentra is committed to helping those organizations improve their health and safety practices to prevent a subsequent incident. In the case of a work-related injury, our dedicated team of occupational health-trained clinicians provides comprehensive, end-to-end care that gets your employee back to work as quickly and safely as possible – with the knowledge and tools to avoid a repeat injury.
Don’t Fall Victim to OSHA Violations
OSHA citations can be expensive and inconvenient, but having an injured employee is a much more serious concern. With three fundamental practices – knowing your risks and requirements, training and educating your workforce, and partnering with Concentra, the nation’s premier occupational health provider – you can avoid OSHA fines while simultaneously protecting your employees from injury and illness. Learn more about how Concentra can help you maintain compliance and avoid unnecessary spending by contacting a Concentra representative today.
- Top Ten Most Frequently Cited Standards for Fiscal Year 2023. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
- OSHA Reveals Top 10 Safety Violations for Fiscal Year 2023 at NSC Safety Congress & Expo. National Safety Council. October 24, 2023
- Workers’ Compensation Costs. National Safety Council. Accessed August 12, 2024.
- Facts + Statistics: Workplace Safety/Workers Comp. Insurance Information Institute. Accessed August 12, 2024.
- “OSHA's 'Top 10': Agency releases finalized data for FY 2023.” Safety and Health Magazine. National Safety Council. May 2, 2024.
- Fatal injuries from ladders down in 2020; nonfatal ladder injuries were essentially unchanged. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. April 25, 2022.